Universal by King Jana III Sobieski

On the basis of information received from the Crown Land Jewish elders, King Jan III reports about rebelling in towns and villages against communities in which they should pay taxes to the state. The King orders them to pay taxes in their communities and orders the Crown Treasury tax-collectors to collect taxes not only in principal communities, but also from Jews living in towns and villages. The king forbids the szlachta lords of towns and villages to protect Jews residing there, particularly in view of the interdictions set in this matter by the Diet (Sejm) constitution of 1673. The king empowers the Crown Land Jewish elders to collect taxes due using every means at their disposal and to punish every Jew attempting to avoid payment. The king endorses relieving of Zelik Józefowicz of Chełm and of his son of the elder duties, as well as the verdict issued against them at the Jewish congress during fair in Jarosław in 1676. The royal chancellery is thereby ordered not to issue any document for Dubno and Łuck Jews who have a standing dispute with the Crown Land elders. This proclamation was adopted at the senate council and is to be announced in castle courts and synagogues.

Archive: The Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw, The State Archive in Lublin, The State Archive in Poznan (APP)
Fond: Księgi wojewodzińskie poznańskie, Lublin castle court files (Księgi grodzkie lubelskie), The Kapicjana Collection (Kapicjana)
Reference Number: APL, CLRMO 101, k. 610-612v., AGAD, Kapiciana 45, s. 168-175, APP, Poznańskie Gr. 1231, s. 177v-180v
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 06.05.1677
Place of origin: Warszawa
Geographical names: Chełm (Chelm), Dubno, Jarosław, Lutsk, Poznan (Poznań), Warsaw (Warszawa)

Oblatował w aktach grodzkich lubelskich Pejsak Majorowicz syndyk Żydów lubelskich w dn. 28 V 1677 r.; w aktach grodzkich poznańskich ekstrakt z akt grodzkich warszawskich oblatował 14 VI 1677 r. Salomon Jakubowicz syndyk generalny Żydów poznańskich. W aktach grodzkich warszawskich przywilej oblatował 6 VI 1677 r. starszy lubelski Józef Szafarowicz.

Published: Anatol Leszczyński, „Biuletyn ŻIH" 1980, nr 113, s. 86-88 [na podstawie wypisu z akt grodzkich goniądzkich, AGAD, Kapiciana 45, s. 168-175]; Sejm Czterech Ziem. Źródła, do druku przygotowali J. Goldberg i A. Kaźmierczyk, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 2011, s. 87-89. Regest: Materiały źródłowe do dziejów Żydów w księgach grodzkich lubelskich z doby panowania Michała Korybuta Wiśniowieckiego i Jana III Sobieskiego 1669-1697, oprac. H. Gmiterek, Lublin 2003, vol. II, nr 490.